Medchoice, a Pharmacy partner you can trust.
Founded with three experienced long-term care pharmacists, Medchoice’s primary emphasis has been providing quality, accurate, and superior services for our clients and their residents. Our primary mission is to put your patients first by providing a high level of clinical and support services that positively impact operations. This allows your staff to spend more time focusing on what matters, positive patient outcomes.
Medchoice understands that your facility’s success requires more than just dispensing medications. For example, medication errors can directly impact patient safety and increase hospital readmission rates. At Medchoice, only licensed pharmacists enter new orders into the system. This meticulous focus is applied at the initial stage of the ordering process, allowing the pharmacist to assess and determine the most suitable medication strategy for the patient.
With an emphasis on service, our pharmacists are on call 24/7/365 days a year, to meet your facility's needs. We understand the importance of having the medications you want when you need them. Medchoice has a streamlined ordering process and a unique approach to admissions that allows us to have new patients’ medications to the facility the day the patients are admitted.